How to choose when the road forks


Many a times deciding which way to go when the road Fork s is a tough choice.

Consider this:

Two roads diverged in a wood and I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference. – Robert Frost

On the other side of every fear that is keeping you small is your natural power (and your authentic greatness) – Robin Sharma

Procrastination and fear go hand in hand,  as described by Napoleon Hill in his best seller Think and Grow Rich

Travelling too slowly on the right path can be too late.

Travelling at top speed in the wrong direction is a wasteful exercise.

To Summarize:

When the road forks, take the right direction guided by principles, your expert  team and considering risks involved.

Identify fears keeping you away from great and get through them. Procrastinating doesn’t help. Timely decision does.

Once in the right direction, travel at right speed to reach your destination.

Perhaps another fork.